2024 Main Programme

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Day 1 (Thursday 24th):

Plenary sessions, OsloMet, Pilestredet 46 Ground Floor (Athene):

08.30: Registration and coffee

09.00-09.15: Welcome!
Christen Krogh, rector at Oslo Metropolitan University

09.15-09.45: Divided cities – urban spatial dynamics and the case of Oslo
Jørn Ljunggren, research professor at NOVA – Norwegian Social Research, and director for Center for Urban Equality Research in Oslo (CURE Oslo).

09.45-10.15: Unjust spatial clustering: Citizen’s noise exposure in Oslo
Anders Eika, senior researcher, and Mari Olsen Mamre, researcher, both from the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR).

10.15-10.50: A breathable city – Air pollution as part of sustainable city development
Susana Lopez-Aparicio, senior scientist, the Climate and Environmental Research Institute NILU.

Parallell sessions, P 46, Conference Center (KK-senteret, 3. etg):

11.00-13.00: Choose between our different parallell tracks

13.00-14.00: Lunch at the Conference Centre

14.00-15.00: Parallell tracks cont.

Plenary sessions, P 46 Ground Floor (Athene):

15.00-15.30: The role of digital tools in recognizing and enhancing urban social infrastructure
Einar Sneve Marthinsen, associate professor, Institute of Design (AHO)

15.30-16.00: Cites at war: The role of social infrastructure in maintaining resilience to survive
Oleksandra Deineko, senior researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR) and associate professor at the School of Sociology V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine)

16.00-17.30: Architecture students from Oslo & Kharkiv: Future scenarios for a climate altered Lviv, Ukraine
w/Anders Ese, Institute of Urbanism and Landscape (AHO)

17.30-20.30: Welcome back to NIBRs for a light dinner, drinks and socializing!

Day 2 (Friday 25th):

Plenary sessions, P 46 Ground Floor (Athene):

09.00-09.30: Urban greening – best intentions with disturbing side effects
Isabelle Anguelovski, research professor, ICTA & Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability, principal investigator, and Head of the Gender, Diversity, and Wellbeing Committee at ICTA-UAB

09.30-10.00: Housing, urban sustainability and socio-spatial justice – examples from Oslo
Roberta Cucca, associate professor at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)

10.00-10.30: Governing urban transitions -leadership for equitable futures
Hege Hofstad, research professor, the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR)

10.30-10.50: Discussion: How to get there: challenges, leadership, labs and skills

Parallell sessions, P 46, Conference Center (KK-senteret, 3. etg):

11.00-13.00: Parallell tracks cont.

13.00-14.00: Lunch at the Conference Centre

Plenary sessions, P 46 Ground Floor (Athene):

14.00-14.45: Dream-team-discussion! Oslo East vs Oslo West (in Norwegian)
We conclude the conference with a discussion about the distribution between Oslo East and Oslo West:

  • The West side avoids high-rise buildings in Montebello, while housing blocks in Løren are initially built without sufficient areas for children, such as playgrounds, parks or football fields. Why is this the case?
  • Are large, national, cultural institutions, like Nationaltheatret and NRK, reserved for the West side? Where should they be located? Do they matter to the local community?
  • How do the former and current city council in Oslo view the situation? What determines what is placed where in the city – homes, green areas and cultural buildings – and how can we do better?

We have assembled an absolute dream-team to discuss East vs West!

  • Bovild Tjønn, district director in Bjerke District. The significance of no interaction between houses that are built and services for the population, e.g. children and lack of parks, football fields and playgrounds?
  • Erling Dokk Holm, associate professor. What significance does the location of large, national, cultural institutions such as Nationaltheateret, NRK and others have?
  • Together with James Stove Lorentzen, H, (today’s city council) and Rasmus Reinvang, MDG, (representative of the previous city council), they discuss today’s challenges and tomorrow’s solutions.

The debate will be lead by Gro Sandkjær Hanssen, research professor, the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR).

14.45-14.55: Thank you! Summing up and closing the conference – new knowledge, better practices?
Geir Heierstad, institute director, the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR)

15.00: Discussion to be continued: Friday drinks!

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